Guess i'll start sharing my part of designing processes.
Every fresh ideas come from different perceptions, based on the relevance of a creation whether it's even possible to make it in way or so.
light bulb + drink = a new packaging value
Now, to extract ideas from the environment, based on the 'yuks definition' (me), everything in the world are masterpieces, a new creation or new design that evolves at times.
afro + stationaries = a new art/creation
sun + positioned shot = an illusion
Normally you grab inspirations from the environment and interpret it into another form of usage or function.
lamp + luminosity = a whole new imaginative object.
As for this, i think imagination matters, in order to create and decode a new space or picture. try and error wouldn't harm to try more, why not?
simplicity of design Vs. complexity of technology
Nowadays we want things as simple as possible and to achieve optimum performance, evaluation etc etc. So, it's quite important too, in order to get the trend flowing.
design complexity pictures a new resolution.
and that's my basic understanding about designing techniques.