Thursday, May 20, 2010

Honest Shots,

Photo credits to YuKeeChongYanAsyafYuMinAini

Pictures allow you to remember & appreciate the good times you had.
Especially for people who lacks the ability to remember. like me. sometimes.

Or how nice you look when you smile :)
Carrine and Carolyn!

Lovely masterpiece. clap clap*

Or your hard work and efforts.
& the tons of disagreements while at it.
Worth it eyh? Good job partner! :)

Or sometimes just your favourite part of the dance. Good one yuks, love it!

I have an honest passion for photographs,
but not so much for photography (practice of taking and processing photos).
Hmm, ironic.
Haha! Good day ahead! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

i attended a flash mob! :O

None other than GLEE! L!

As many knew, i had this mania for the series GLEE. I completed Season1 in 2 days? Anyhoo, the flash mob was at The Garden's Midvalley last Saturday.

We gathered at 12ish at the ballroom in the hotel. When the time came we went to the middle of the mall where we were positioned to dance. We had to hang around there and play-act as the public/shoppers while being in suspense for half an hour since the songs might be played any second.

So anyway. The song played. About 600people altogether in different floors danced! It was a bit messy at first. But not long after, we had a second round and everyone's timing was soo much better;D

At the end of it, i just felt so thrilled to be part of the flash mob:)!

I had sucha good time with Rachel:) Ice-cream, Glee, Pasta, Krispy Kreme!
p/s: this dear girl got 12As in SPM. yes, a random note but i like to brag for her. :) she's too humble you see:)

Spot moi?
Time to Gleek out! L! :P

Friday, May 7, 2010

a furry friend of ours.

The prenominals have accidentally bump into a friendly 'fur' in the middle of their video session. I felt a sudden softness in my slipper and found this!

Gently shook it off of me, took a picture and a short clip for further research back at home, this furry encounter is named 'fulgorid planthopper', an immature ones, a nymph.

for further info, you can check it out at

It won't look nice after it evolves, coz it sheds.i thought it'd be a breakthrough for us hahahha! but it existed, and yet to be identified further for its name as mentioned by some researchers on the net.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey Ladies!

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,

A guy who calls you back when you hang up on him.

Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead.

That guy who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats!

That boy who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.

That guy who will keep reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.

..the one who turns to his friends and says, hey that’s her." ;)

Though a typical boy-meets-girl, but a lovely and cutesy film!


P/s: Go ahead and sue me for being corny>( hee.

A sneak peak of Green Musical 1 & 2!

By weDEFINE creative and The Prenominals.

Coming soon! :B